My biography, my life - Ma Dhyan Chameli
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Ma Dhyan Chameli

My mother conceived me, after eight years of failed attempts and after a cycle of pranotherapy she received from a neighbour. The first memories of my life worth to be mentioned in order to define what I am now, regard the meeting with Baba Bedi when I was about 11 years old and the much more precocious vision of some mysterious papers with circles and many symbols, filled out by a family friend. They were followed by pages of hand made calculations (which long after turned out to be wrong) and I was so fascinated that I promised one day I would have been able to read them. I came to Baba Bedi because a friend who had leukemia had followed his advice and sessions and had her desease regressed so much that she had not died (she lived 12 years versus the 2 foreseen by the physicians).

Thus I met an Indian Master, the anticipation of the one that some years after would give a very specific direction to my vision of the world. We sat close this old man who was on a wheelchair due to the tortures of the English colonists. He would give us his hand and practice an energetic transmission with our eyes closed. In the end, he would ask us what colors we had seen during the session, he would interpret them and gave us advice on what food to eat and other health practices. The instructions for my healing were to wash my eyes with rose water and looking at the stars without my glasses. My mother has always had a great intuition for the healers.

When I was 14 arrived my first meeting with the Master of my life, Osho, through my teacher of economic geography of the commercial institute, Ma Santosh Nadama, the first who taught me the right rebellion. That was the beginning of the Freedom and of every other good thing that can come to my mind.

As regards the famous circle with the symbols, when I was 18, I approached my first astrology book, namely “Astrology, Karma and transformation” by Stephen Arroyo. I took the sannyas, becoming a disciple of Osho and receiving the only name I have ever felt really mine, Ma Dhyan Chameli. Since then I have “worked on myself” for a very long time, through the Osho Therapy, or rather a courageous syntesis between Therapy and meditation techniques.

The first helps to know oneself deeper, the seconds to overcome the identifications.

I participated to very intense group processes that required the knowing of oneself passing through much expression of the emotions and of the body, something radical and terrifying from which you could come out lighter, regenerated and full of life.

At the age of 20 I also visited the “House of the Master”, the Osho Multiversity in Poona, India, and in that moment I was followed by another great life coach of mine, Ma Dhyan Gilda.

Since then I have been studying astrology until late night, crying, meditating with plenty of techniques, passing through states of immense joy, making amazing discoveries, studying chakras and subtle bodies, I have been testing on myself every kind of crystal, colour and plant essence, I have been screaming out of anger, trembling out of fear, hugging much, very much and I have felt the flowing of that presence that has no name and inhabits everything.

I also have met my shadow thousands of times, I have talked to it and I have tried to integrate it, together with everything I would rather have not lived nor been.

What brings me here is the gratitude for those who, during my first years, had the patience to look after me and had the courage to tell me the truth and show me the way. For those who lived around Osho and trained and now were spreading that fragrance. I felt I had to pass it on, which in my case was to receive support, strength, keys to read myself and the world, but also the right creative fury in order to change roughly, when I needed it. I am here also because of my awareness, the one that becomes stronger when we find someone available to be in deep syncronicity with us, just as happens in some sessions to both the individuals involved in the process.

And here I connect to my last (in chronological order) teacher, Eric Pearl, from whom I learnt the Reconnection, the piece that is translating in practice the comprehension that everything is light and that every barrier is pure illusion. In this moment he jumps from an airplane to another traveling all over the planet in order to create a critical mass oriented to a shift in awareness and in this endeavor many of us wish to follow through.